FAQs About Connection Groups
  • What exactly are connection groups?

    Connection groups are an opportunity to connect with others around a topic or activity. For example, a connection group may meet to study or discuss a variety of topics such as: a book on prayer, raising teenagers, a book of the Bible. Other groups may decide to play pickleball together on a regular rhythm.

    Groups open for our Fall semester rand will be posted on this page as we get closer to August.

  • When do they meet?

    Connection groups follow the academic calendar, because...most of life does! New groups start in the Fall and Spring, taking a break for Summer.

    Once you join a group, most of them meet every other week, with some exceptions. The frequency of meeting is decided by the group members, but we recommend every other week.

  • Where do they meet?

    Connection groups usually meet at one host’s house for the duration of the semester. Groups that are centered around an activity, rather than a topic, may meet at a location more suitable for that activity. For example, a park with pickleball courts rather than someone’s house.

  • How do I sign up?

    Sign ups will occur online and in person mid August when we begin our Fall Semester groups.