So...discipleship groups?
  • What exactly are discipleship groups?

    Discipleship groups are gender-specific groups of two to six individuals who meet weekly to discuss the weekly Bible Passage and the Sunday sermon and pray for one another.

  • When do they meet?

    Discipleship groups meet weekly at a time that the group decides is best for them.

  • What if we need help with structuring our discussion?

    We have provided resources for each series that you can find by clicking the button below.

  • Why weekly?

    Discipleship groups meet weekly because we teach the Bible every Sunday at our worship gathering. Therefore, we have an opportunity to connect with one another and apply the text to our lives every week. Discipleship groups should strive to meet weekly, but life happens, and if you miss there is always another opportunity next week.

  • How do I sign up?

    We are currently doing a soft-launch of discipleship groups. Click the button below to sign up! We will have a larger launch of discipleship groups when we kick off our Fall Semester in mid-August.